Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New Year, New Me

Now that we're a few weeks into the new year, I like to really think about what I would like to accomplish in 2013. As a busy working Mom to 2 wonderful boys, for me it's all about balance. I took the first week to clean out my fridge and pantry, and I've re-energized my exercise plan. I also just jotted down a few things that I will keep in my mind, hopefully every day.

  • Try to avoid processed foods and sugar. Try new recipes with fruits, vegetables, beans. Make at least one dinner a week free from animal proteins. Use more seasonal foods especially the fruits and veggies.
  • Continue to drink water and green tea. And sneak in a glass of red wine!
  • Jump in the steam room at least once a week to get all those toxins out of my system
  • Get plenty of sleep, at least 7 hours each night
  • Schedule "me" time. Stress causes a majority of problems. Take time to reconnect with friends, go for a walk, get a massage. This time is invaluable and makes such a difference in my outlook and positivity.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Here's to a More Natural and Clean 2013!

This time of the year is about reflection and setting goals for the new year. As I look back at the first few months after launching Essentials, I can only smile about the positive response from clients and the support from the amazing brands Essentials carries. We have been able to make donations in honor of our clients to Locks for Love, Girls Inc., Bright Pink, Women for Women and The Pachamama Alliance each touching the lives in life-changing ways. I thank you for an incredible 2013 and can't wait to bring you more in 2013. Here's to a more natural and clean 2013! Here's to you!
